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HL7 in the world of Video

During the last years videos with interviews, demonstrations and short reports about HL7 – the International Healthcare IT Standard – have been published. This website is home for a collection of selected videos.

Recent Updates

HL7 FHIR Adoption in European Health Systems: the Story in Portugal
The European Health Data Space will advance the adoption of international standards to advance healthcare interoperability, to improve healthcare for European citizens and to aggregate data for research and innovation. The actual adoption of standards happens on the ground, in national and regional healthcare systems.

In our HL7 Europe “Labs-on-FHIR” webinar series, we are looking this month at the experience in Portugal on their journey to implement FHIR in laboratory systems, navigating legacy systems and stakeholder engagement while implementing the recent HL7 Europe Laboratory Report Implementation Guide.

Featured speakers will be Filipe Mealha and Sara Marques Russo from SPMS, the Department for Shared Services of the Ministry of Health in Portugal. There will be a panel of experts, and plenty of time for audience Q&A.

Panellists will include: Alexander Henket, NICTIZ (NL), Jean-Michel Polfliet, eHealth Platform (BE), João Almeida, HL7 Portugal, Giorgio Cangioli, HL7 Europe

See also the presentation slides here.

HL7 FHIR Adoption in European Health Systems: A look at the Netherlands
The European Health Data Space is coming and with it the push to move health data across borders, both to improve healthcare for European citizens and to aggregate data for research and innovation. But health data interoperability requires careful coordination between international interoperability standards, and implementation at the local level. HL7 offers with its FHIR specifications (FHIR stands for "Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources") a powerful toolbox, and at the same time a worldwide community of experts and implementers committed to advancing the power of health data.

HL7 Europe is proud to host a webinar to feature the Dutch experience on their ongoing journey to implement FHIR, navigating legacy systems and stakeholder engagement while implementing the recent HL7 Europe Laboratory Report FHIR Implementation Guide (published in spring 2024 as the first IG developed specifically in and for Europe).

Featured speaker will be Alexander Henket from NICTIZ, the Dutch competence centre for digital health. There will be a panel of experts including Esther Peelen (NICTIZ), Bert Kabbes (HL7 Netherlands), Giorgio Cangioli, HL7 Europe

See also the presentation slides here.

HL7 FHIR Adoption in European Health Systems: A Spotlight on Belgium
Recording of a webinar about the Laboratory Report FHIR Implementation Guide

The HL7 Europe Laboratory Report FHIR Implementation Guide, and what it can do for you
Recording of a webinar about the Laboratory Report FHIR Implementation Guide

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