HL7 FHIR Adoption in European Health Systems: A Spotlight on Belgium
Recording of a webinar about the Laboratory Report FHIR Implementation Guide

Moving your health information and communications to FHIR opens up a world of integrated and connected care, and better healthcare quality and safety for patients. But moving to FHIR can be a difficult journey, navigating moving targets and legacy systems, aligning powers and stakeholders, and managing hopes and expectations. Luckily, some have been there before and may offer insights and inspiration.

In this webinar we casted a spotlight on Belgium, which has come far on the journey to FHIR. Jean-Michel Polfliet, Standards & Interoperability Analyst at the Belgian eHealth Platform gave insights. a panel of experts delivered initial questions and comments, followed by an opportunity for audience Q&A.

The expert panel included Giorgio Cangioli (HL7 Europe), Reinhard Egelkraut (CGM Clinical, HL7 Austria TC FHIR), Maria Marques (UNINOVA Portugal), Alexis Van Zeveren, Medispring Belgium.

See also the presentation slides here.

The webinar was hosted and facilitated by Karolina Mackiewicz from the ECHAlliance.

Online, May 2024

1920×1080 - 363 MB - 1:04:37
Published: 2024-05-15 (vimeo) – an hl7.tv HD video